Monday, January 30, 2012

More And More Businesses Opt For Seo In Sydney And Melbourne

According to the latest market reports on e-business trends, more than 60% people have sold or bought a product online in Australia in the last year. The growing importance of the internet as a marketing tool thus, cannot be ignored.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the best and most effective internet marketing strategies adopted by almost all businesses in Australia. Many businesses are hiring online marketing experts to increase their market presence and sales. Thus, both new and old companies are looking for SEO services in Sydney and even in Melbourne. In fact the demand for SEO in Melbourne and other such urban cities across Australia has tripled over the last few years, courtesy the changing consumer trends.

Those looking for SEO solutions in Sydney or Melbourne can approach the number of internet marketing services that provide special SEO packages for businesses. One can finalise a company and an ideal SEO package depending upon one’s requirements. Companies that provide SEO services in Melbourne and Sydney also have numerous add-on services like social media marketing and website design, which when combined together with an SEO package, only enhances the chances of increasing one’s market presence on the internet.

Thus, when finalising an SEO service in Sydney or Melbourne, one should consider all services that will help create a prominent presence for one’s website on all search engines.

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  • posted by Lalita at 10:07 PM 0 comments

    Thursday, March 04, 2010

    Review about the thinkbigsites Video

    On surfing the CNBC websiet i found video about a company called where they have showed how they are utilizing marketing tools to change the face of the internet. Video was quite interesting.

    The internet is a growing entity of websites, blogs, chat rooms, videos, and stores. More and more people are surfing the web every day. Everyone I know is always on line for one reason or another. I use the internet to look up information, search for addresses or directions, to pay my bills, chat with people on my space or face book, buy books and movies, and so much more.

    So this video was about how companies and small business are trying to find new ways if marketing their businesses. Because lots of the avenues that once provided get marketing resources are too expensive and don’t provide as much traffic as before. There is one entity, the internet, which is being used by millions and millions of people every day and is still growing. With so much website traffic happening on a daily basics many business are using the internet to sale their products and services and to market their businesses.

    The internet is a vast network of billions of website which makes its hard for businesses to stay completive and be on the cutting edge of an always changing world. To stay completive many businesses hire a marketing firm to handle all the details involved in getting a website from the 6th page on Google to the 1st page. Marketing firms employ a process called search engine optimization (this is a term used to describe the process by which websites improve their website traffic).

    After watching the video I can see why businesses would want to use the internet to market their businesses. It cost less than TV and other methods of marketing and more people surf the internet then most other things. But since so many people surf the internet businesses have to really work on staying ahead of their competition. I guess this is why they hire marketing firms and try to improve their website traffic by search engine optimization.

    I think that it’s cool to see all the new developments that are happening with businesses on the internet!

    For more visit search engine optimization

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  • posted by Lalita at 3:28 AM 1 comments

    Tuesday, December 19, 2006

    No news this week: only publish what is useful

    By Gerry McGovern

    Don't publish for the sake of publishing. You may have one key message that you leave on your homepage for years. It's not a matter of having content that is new or old; it is a matter of having content that is relevant and useful.

    Some organizations hardly ever bother to update their websites. There are stories on the homepage that can be months—if not years—out of date. These organizations simply don't understand that leaving this content on the website is damaging to the professional reputation of the organization.

    However, some organizations publish new content even when they shouldn’t. They fall into the trap of thinking that publishing is about news. Yes, an element of publishing can be about news, but that is not what the core purpose of publishing is. At a basic level, publishing is about getting the right content to the right person at the right time at the right cost.

    The right content could be five years old. The wrong content could be five minutes old. In fact, a major challenge today can be to hold back on publishing until you have your facts correct. (The American media will be aware of this challenge in relation to previous U.S. presidential elections.) It damages your reputation if you publish something quickly and it's wrong.

    I come from a small county in Ireland called Longford. The Longford News is a local newspaper and it once had an eccentric editor whose name presently escapes me. Well, one week the lead story on the front page of The Longford News was:

    No News This Week

    If you are not an organization that creates news, then don't have a prominent news section on your website. If you have one major message, then it is perfectly okay to promote that message in the center of your homepage every day of every year.

    I come across organizations that struggle to create news. They do a lot of hard work that ends up being counter-productive. That's because they publish content that is not relevant to their target audience. Sometimes, this 'new' content pushes much more important content off the homepage. Always, it gets in the way because readers wonder what this is about, and if, in fact, they are at the right website.

    It's not about being new. It is about being useful. Your job as a website editor is to make the difficult decisions in relation to what really matters to your key readers. How does news help them complete the task that they came to your website to do?

    Remember, what is news to your organization may be of zero interest to the public. For example, some organizations make the dreadful mistake of publishing press release on their homepage. Reading a typical press release is about as interesting and useful as watching your computer boot up.

    Press releases were never meant to be published; they were meant to be released to the press, who would then consider if there was something newsworthy in them. A press release is, at best, a foundation for a piece of content.

    If you've nothing useful to publish, publish nothing. Stick with the same message as long as that message achieves your objectives.

    Gerry McGovern

    Online Affiliate Marketing Services

    Gerry McGovern provides website content management solutions
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  • posted by Lalita at 3:49 AM 2 comments

    Monday, December 04, 2006

    Search Pulse Live at SES Chicago

    Today (5th december) is a live show from Search Engine Strategies Chicago Organised by SEarch Pulse. Chris will be at the WebmasterRadio Booth by 6pm Chicago time (7pm EST). Their show will be live during the exhibit cocktail party thing. So make sure to stop by the WebmasterRadio.FM booth and hopefully you can get on live with them.

    They have normal schedule for the past week's topic. It should be exciting and different.

    Information collected by

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  • posted by Lalita at 7:50 PM 0 comments

    Sunday, December 03, 2006

    Google announced that google Answere is closing up shop by 31st december. The old question and answer will still available, but not accept the new question after the 31st December.

    I have collected this information from the google blog and seroundtable. I am not a regular user of google answere but sometime i visit that pages.
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  • posted by Lalita at 7:35 PM 0 comments

    Friday, December 01, 2006

    Search Engine Roundtable's 3rd Birthday

    Today December2nd, is the 3rd birthday of search engine roundtable. They were born on December 2, 2003, There are almost 4,ooo blog posts, on an average of5 blog posts per week day.

    In this year again they won the Best Blog on Search Marketing by Marketing Sherpa.

    They launched their personal blog by Introducing the Cartoon Barry Blog in July of this year.

    They started their own weekly podcast named the Search Pulse.

    They set up a very successful Google Coop for Search Engine Roundtable,

    Chris Boggs became their Associate Editor to provide forum coverage back on February 14st of this year. They released Search Engine Roundtable Supporter Seals which are being displayed proudly throughout the search community by many people.

    In December of last year, Search Engine Roundtable Opens Forums, they have over 1,300 members and 6,200+ posts. Later on this year they won the KB Cafe Blog Awards and Best Search Engine Community Blog of 2005 by Search Engine Journal, another huge kudo for us.
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  • posted by Lalita at 8:14 PM 0 comments

    There are very few times when we get a chance to witness all the great masters from the same field on a common platform. Recently, in an “Interactive Site Review” session held at Las Vegas Pubcon, panellists like Matt Cutts from Google, Tim Mayer from Yahoo, Greg Boser from WebGuerrilla, and Danny Sullivan reviewed various sites that stood out of the lot. After the review of these sites, these panellists gave few valuable suggestions that would help the SEOers to get a better ranking for their sites.

    - Each and every page of a site is an entry point for the specific keyword that page targets

    - Quality links would always have an upper hand over quantity links

    - Avoid javascript, flash, templates and other such algorithms as they are a red flag to ranking algos

    - Session IDs urls need to be blocked from crawlers because of duplicate content issues

    - If you have a e-commerce based site then try and use original content in the description of the product rather than the description given by the manufacturers.

    Always go for local directories rather than global directories for geographic specific websites.

    - Content should always be unique and original rather than copied.

    - Getting into the top 3 of Google Local ensures the front page entry of Google’s standard search even though the site is geographically based.

    - Try and not to use redirects.

    - Blogs are the most effective way of getting maximum traffic to your site.

    Keeping these tips in mind will help SEO people to generate a better quality traffic and ranking for their site.

    sources from google blog
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  • posted by Lalita at 7:59 PM 0 comments

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Google Sitemaps is a simple and fast way for your site to be constantly indexed and updated by Google.

    Benefits of having a Google Site Map

    1. Speeds up the discovery and addition of your web pages in the Google index.

    2. Enables Google to quickly find web pages that have been recently changed.

    3. A method for your site to be listed and appear quickly in Google.

    4. Helps Google to keep search content fresh, so people have the most up to date information available.

    Who should use Google Sitemaps?

    All site owners can use Google sitemaps whether you have one page or millions of pages, however it's mostly geared towards people that make frequent changes to their web pages.

    Normally web pages on a large site will not all get indexed because the links are too deep within the site. By including all your pages in the Google Sitemap you have a better chance of them all being indexed as Google thrives on fresh content. According to Google, it won't increase your site's rankings.

    How does it work?

    Google sitemaps are created using XML (Extensible Markup Language). This is a coding language similar to HTML(though a little more complex). It is often used these days in syndicated feeds or blogs.

    Here is the sample XML code you would include for each page of your site:

    <.url><.br> <.loc><./loc>

    (remove periods for code to work)

    Here is a breakdown of what each line represents:

    location - name of your webpage ie

    last modified - when you last modified the page.

    change frequency - tells Google how often you modify that particular page, whether it's never, weekly, daily, hourly, monthly or yearly.

    priority - sets the priority you want Google to place for that page on your site. You can prioritize your pages: 0.0 being the least, 1.0 being the highest, 0.5 is in the middle.

    This is only relative to your site. It will not affect your rankings. Certain pages on your site may have more significance than others because they are updated more often ie home page, articles page.

    How to Create a Dynamic Google SiteMap XML File

    It would take a long time to create your Google Sitemap by hand especially if you have a site that contains 1000s of pages.

    Fortunately Google provides the Sitemap Generator that allows you to generate a sitemap very quickly. It's a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs.

    You can read more about it here:

    Other Sitemap Generators.

    Google has also compiled a list of third party generators.

    Here are the steps on how to create your Sitemap using this free Sitemap Generator:

    1. Go to and enter your site's address.
    2. Copy the code that it generates for your site and paste it into notepad.
    3. Save the text file as sitemap.xml
    4. Upload this file to the root directory (same place as your home page) of your web server.
    5. Open up a Google Site Map account and submit your site's address.
    6. Every time you modify a page or pages, login to your Google account and click on the resubmit button.
    7. Repeat this procedure for all of your web sites.
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  • posted by Lalita at 4:34 AM 1 comments

    free web stats